









Customer satisfaction score

RM160.1 mil

RM160.1 mil

Total economic value distributed to stakeholders



Procurement spend on local vendors



Of project sites completed HIRAC assessments

Enhanced GHG Disclosures

Enhanced GHG Disclosures

Including scope 3 (Employee Commuting and Business Travel)

343.3 Tonnes

343.3 Tonnes

Of rebar diverted from disposal (Increased 118.8% from FY2022)



Total workforce



Employee satisfaction rate

Zero Fatalities

Zero Fatalities

In FY2023 with 3,5554,265 manhours worked



Total training hours increased 71.6% from FY2022

50% Women Representation

50% Women Representation

In Sunsuria’s board

Zero Incidence of Customer Data Breaches

Zero Incidence of Customer Data Breaches

Zero Incidence of Corruption

Zero Incidence of Corruption

Establishment of KPIs & Targets

Establishment of KPIs & Targets

Zero Incidence of Regulatory Non-compliance

Zero Incidence of Regulatory Non-compliance


Great Sunsurians




Making the World a
Better Place


Sustainable Organisation

Great Sunsurians

At Sunsuria, we cultivate a culture of integrity, ethical behaviour, and mutual respect, fostering a strong sense of belonging and ownership among our team. We prioritise employee well-being and strive to enhance lifestyles by nurturing a collaborative environment that welcomes ideas, innovations, and creativity. Our core values instil pride in being part of the Sunsuria family and contribute to the professional growth of our team members.



Sunsuria is committed to delivering high-quality products and services, guided by our dedication to excellence. This commitment influences every aspect of our operations, inspiring continuous improvement and a steadfast focus on customer success. By adhering to the highest standards in innovation, collaboration, and dedication, we consistently strive to exceed expectations and create lasting value for our stakeholders. This dedication contributes to our organisational standing and plays a crucial role in fostering sustainable growth, strategically positioning Sunsuria for successful global expansion.


Making the World
A Better Place

Sunsuria is dedicated to making a positive impact on the world through our operations. Our commitment goes beyond delivering products and services; we aim to foster positive change in every aspect of our operations. By adhering to fair trade practices and promoting a culture of kindness within our organisation, Sunsuria seeks to make a meaningful and responsible impact. We align our actions with principles of social responsibility, striving to advocate for a better world in all our pursuits.

Sustainable Organisation

As an organisation committed to long-term success, Sunsuria aims to address present customer needs while safeguarding future generations. We operate with adaptability and resilience, aspiring to champion economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Our ongoing efforts focus on fostering enduring values, enabling us to be a future-focused company contributing to financial, environmental, and social well-being.

Contribution to SDGS

We have consistently aligned ourselves to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 along our sustainability reporting process. The following provides an overview of the actions our Group has taken to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs during the year being evaluated:

GOAL 3 Good Health
& Well-being

  • Organised employee engagement initiatives to encourage a healthy lifestyle.




  • Plant 500 trees by 2025.
  • Use 50% local species for landscaping, including those of high conservation value.
  • Comply with or exceed regulatory minimums for green spaces for all new projects starting FY2024.


  • Conduct a salary benchmarking exercise every three years.
  • Desired outcome: Maintain a 10%-20% variance (+/-) compared to industry salary standards.
  • Equal Age and Gender Ratios.

Labour And Human Rights

  • Maintain a continued zero incidents record of non-compliance with labour and human rights infringements, including the hiring of child, illegal or forced labour within business operations under direct control of Sunsuria.
  • Zero Fatalities, zero lost workdays.


  • Continued zero non-compliance track record for social, environmental, performance.
  • Continued zero confirmed corruption cases within the Group’s business operations.
  • Zero incidences of substantiated data breaches or complaints received.


  • 5% reduction per annum for both Scope One and Scope Two carbon intensity measured over revenue and operational area, tCO2e/m2.
  • Zero use of single plastics by FY2028.
  • 25% of projects initiated by FY2025 to be green certified.


  • 80% of suppliers listed on approved list to comprise of local businesses.
  • At Group Level, to reduce the overall printing of hardcopy paper documents by 20% in the next 3 years.
  • 1st Year - Target 10% to 15%
  • 2nd Year - Target 15% to 19%
  • 3rd Year - Target 20%

100% inspection rate per annum for

  • Tangerine Suites
  • Forum 2 SOHO
  • Forum 2 Apartment
  • Forum 2 Office
  • Residensi Seni
  • Concord College
  • Bangsar Hill Park Blocks A, D & E

Materiality Assessment

The identification of material matters is fundamental to Sunsuria’s sustainability management. The Group establishes its list of material topics by evaluating their importance and impact on the business model and stakeholders, considering the four pillars of Sustainability: Economic, Environmental, Social and Governance.



  • Customer satisfaction and experience
  • Product quality and responsibility
  • Brand recognition and reputation (market presence)
  • Local procurement (supply chain management)
  • Digitalisation and technology (business digitalisation)


  • Energy consumption
  • Climate change and emissions
  • Water consumption
  • Waste management
  • Green building initiatives
  • Biodiversity (new)


  • Talent retention and development (new)
  • Diversity and equal opportunity workplace
  • Labour and human rights (new)
  • Occupational health and safety (“OHS”)
  • Community engagement and development


  • Regulatory compliance (new)
  • Anti-corruption and corporate governance (new)
  • Data privacy and security (new)
  • Suppliers’ social compliance (new)
  • Suppliers’ environmental compliance (new)

Our Focus Areas

We highly value our customers and strive to provide them with quality products and services.

Focus Area

  • Efficient complaint resolution
  • Customer-company relations
  • Safety and security
  • Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”) compliance

Sunsuria' Response

  • At Sunsuria, we actively engage with customers to address feedback and concerns.
  • After signing the sales and purchase agreement (SPA), customers share their thoughts through a satisfaction survey.
  • We bring the community together with exciting annual events and networking opportunities.
  • Our sales team swiftly responds to online inquiries from our website and Facebook within 24 hours.
  • We ensure customers' data privacy with PDPA consent required during the SPA signing.
Our employees are pivotal contributors to our success, and their well-being enables Sunsuria to cultivate a motivated workforce.

Focus Area

  • Performance management, learning and development
  • Ethics and integrity
  • Transparency and communication
  • Safety and hygienic working conditions

Sunsuria' Response

  • Performance Management at Sunsuria involves setting and aligning goals to boost business performance.
  • We offer training and team-building programs to enhance staff skills, capabilities, and relationships.
  • Employee Engagement Surveys create a motivated and satisfied workforce.
  • The Sunsuria Live Portal ensures effective communication across the organization.
  • Our onboarding program helps new employees integrate into Sunsuria’s culture, promoting trust and alignment with business goals.
  • Town Hall Meetings keep all employees informed with critical announcements.
  • Health and wellness programs support employee well-being.
  • Viva Engage fosters community, boosts morale, and enhances productivity, aligning with our ESG goals.
Regulatory Bodies
We partner with regulators to uphold industry standards for building quality, corporate governance, as well as health and safety standards.

Focus Area

  • Regulatory compliance
  • Labour practices
  • Environmental management and compliance
  • Occupational health and safety

Sunsuria' Response

  • Local authorities conduct regular inspections to ensure Sunsuria’s compliance with local regulatory requirements.
  • We provide regular disclosures through Annual Reports and communication with regulators.
  • We support the Home Ownership Campaign.
Shareholders & Investors
We prioritise building trust among our investors and shareholders.

Focus Area

  • Financial performance
  • Business strategy
  • Sustainable and stable income distribution
  • Degree of control and influence

Sunsuria' Response

  • We issue media releases, in addition to Bursa Announcements, to keep all stakeholders informed about our financial performance and corporate development.
  • Notification cards are sent to shareholders, informing them of the availability of the Annual Report instead of distributing printed copies.
  • All media releases and Bursa Announcements are uploaded to the Company’s website.
Fund Providers
We work closely with fund providers to sustain a consistent capital flow over the long term.

Focus Area

  • Company performance and cash flow
  • Project launched
  • Project sales

Sunsuria' Response

  • Publishing quarterly financial results and annual reports to communicate the Group’s financial standing.
  • Regular meetings and conversations with funding providers for project status updates as needed.
Service Providers
We collaborate with supply chain partners to ensure their operations align with our standards and expectations.

Focus Area

  • Transparent procurement practices
  • Payment schedules
  • Pricing of services
  • Sustainable building methods
  • Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) compliance
  • Project completion and timely delivery
  • Product quality
  • Agents’ performance and compliance management
  • Non-disclosure agreement
  • Service quality management

Sunsuria' Response

  • Senior management holds regular sessions with service providers to identify improvement areas.
  • Tenders follow Limits of Authority (LoA) and Standard Operating Procedures and Policies (SOPP).
  • The QESH team independently monitors product quality and site safety.
  • All completed projects achieve QLASSIC certification by CIDB.
  • Service providers and suppliers must comply with Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABAC) Policies via a Declaration Form.
  • Annual internal and external audits align with ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System (QMS) standards.
  • Contracts over RM200,000 require Tender & Procurement Committee (TPC) approval.
  • Transactions are cleared by legal, finance, and the company secretary.
Local Communities
We aim to create sustainable living spaces that enhance well-being and foster community development.

Focus Area

  • Impact of business operations
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Environmental impact
  • Placemaking activities

Sunsuria' Response

  • The communities residing around Sunsuria township benefit from our facilities.
  • Quarterly financial results and annual financial reports are publicly available on Bursa Malaysia and the corporate website.
  • All sustainability-related data is annually compiled in a sustainability statement within the annual report.
  • Community surveys are conducted to understand customer preferences for future development.
Engaging mainstream media helps raise awareness of our green agenda and sustainability drive.

Focus Area

  • Financial performance
  • New product launch
  • Major events
  • Crisis management

Sunsuria' Response

  • We share our quarterly results with the media when they are announced on Bursa Malaysia.
  • We conduct regular interviews with various news media and property portals.
Non-Governmental Organisations (“NGOs”)
Supporting relevant NGOs goes hand-in-hand with achieving our own sustainability goals while enriching other stakeholders in the process.

Focus Area

  • Sponsorships
  • Collaboration opportunities programme support and participation

Sunsuria' Response

  • We maintain continuous engagement to gain insight into their requirements and concerns.
  • Donations and non-financial support are provided to various non-governmental organisations.
  • Employee volunteerism is promoted, encouraging their participation in NGO activities.

Sustainability Reports
